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Spring Stomp Server

Spring Stomp Server is only a Spring-Boot-Application with a very simple Websocket-Stomp Configurion as described by the Spring Boot Guide:

Basic Idea

For e2e tests with angular, a Mock-Websocket-Stomp server is needed to also automatically test the Websocket functionality.

The benefit to use Spring Stomp Server as mock websocket endpoint is:

  • Easy to use, even without java knowledge
  • Interoperability: works on linux, mac-os and windows the same way (only java 8 or higher is needed)
  • It is the most realistic way if your real enpoint is a spring-boot application

“Spring Stomp Server” should never be used on a Production System! It is only designed to be used as simple Mock-Server for automatic tests.

Integration into an angular application

the usage can be summerized into two steps:

  • download jar from the central Maven Repository
  • start the application with “java -jar
  • custom config with System-Properties “-D...” AND/OR by YAML “spring-stomp-server.yaml

download jar from the central Maven Repository

The best way is, to use maven for downloading the artifact:


  "scripts": {
    "stomp-server:download": "mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.0.0:copy -DoutputDirectory=./target -Dmdep.stripVersion=true",

(Benefit for maven: maven has a local repository where the artifacts are cached. So download will only be done once for all your projects)

Alternative download with wget:


  "scripts": {
    "stomp-server:download": "wget -O ./target/spring-stomp-server.jar",

TIP: This step can be add as post install script:


  "scripts": {
    "postinstall": "npm run stomp-server:download",
    "stomp-server:download": "...",

This will execute automatically after “npm install”.

start the application with java -jar


  "scripts": {
    "stomp-server": "java -jar ./target/spring-stomp-server.jar ",

With that, the Websocket endpoint will be ws:/localhost:8182/websocket
And the Stomp Config will listen on all destinations with the prefixes “/topic”, “/app”, “/user”.

For local development you can simply start the server in the background by “npm run stomp-server”.

For e2e tests, you can do it with the npm package ‘concurrently’:


  "scripts": {
    "e2e": "concurrently -s first -k --names \"STOMP-SERVER,ANGULAR-CLI\" --prefix \"[{name}]\" \"npm run stomp-server\" \"npm run e2e:ng\"",
    "e2e:ng": "ng e2e",

custom configuration

The preferd way to apply a custom config is by System-Properties “-D...” AND/OR by YAML “spring-stomp-server.yaml”.
(There are more ways, see: )

If a property exists as SystemProperty AND in YAML, the SystemProperty wins.

A detailed description for the most relevant properties can be found in:

custom configuration with System-Properties


  "scripts": {
    "stomp-server": "java -jar -Dserver.port=8182 -Dspring-stomp-server.destination-prefixes=/topic,/app,/user -Dspring-stomp-server.websocket-endpoints=/my-backend-app/websocket ./target/spring-stomp-server.jar ",

With that, the Websocket endpoint will be ws:/localhost:8182/my-backend-app/websocket
And the Stomp Config will listen on all destinations with the prefixes “/topic”, “/app”, “/user”.

custom configuration with spring-stomp-server.yaml


  "scripts": {
    "stomp-server": "java -jar ./target/spring-stomp-server.jar ",

spring-stomp-server.yaml: (in same folder as package.json)

server.port: 8182
  - "/my-backend-app/websocket"
  - "/topic"
  - "/app"
  - "/user"

With that, the Websocket endpoint will be ws:/localhost:8182/my-backend-app/websocket
And the Stomp Config will listen on all destinations with the prefixes “/topic”, “/app”, “/user”.
For More information about the configurations see JavaDoc:

More Details