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The Default Configuration works in the following Order to get Configuration-Values:

  1. Lookup in System.getProperty(...)
  2. Lookup in JNDI Context
  3. Lookup in System.getenv(String) (since settings4j-2.1)
  4. Lookup in Preferences.userRoot() and then Preferences.systemRoot()
  5. Lookup in Classpath

The First found value will be returned.
If no Value where Found, NULL will be returned.


The complete default configuration can be found there: ./XMLSchema/defaultsettings4j.xml

The XML Schema Definition can be found there: ./XMLSchema/settings4j.dtd


Simply put your own settings4j.xml into the root-classpath or configure it manual in Java.

Settings4j XML Configuration

settings4j.xml (accurate to log4j.xml) must be availabel inside the classpath.

  • On Webapps it could be placed on the Server (e.g.: %TOMCAT_HOME%/common/classes/).
  • On commandline apps it should be placed on the FileSystem which is included into the classpath (e.g.: -cp ./config/ )
  • For UnitTests, you can but it into /src/test/resources/ (Maven Folder Structure)

Settings4j Java Configuration

Add Custom Connector

An Example code to add a custom Connector could looks like the following:

public void initSettings4j() {
   String connectorName = "myConnector";
   Connector connector = Settings4j.getSettings().getConnector(connectorName);
   if (connector == null) {
       MyConnector myConnector = new MyConnector(...);
       // add the connecter after the last SystemPropertyConnector or add it as first connector.
       Settings4j.getSettings().addConnector(myConnector, //
             ConnectorPositions.afterLast(SystemPropertyConnector.class), //
             ConnectorPositions.atFirst() // if no SystemPropertyConnector is configured.

Load custom XML config URL

In case you are not happy to place your settings4j.xml into the classpath, You can configure Settings4j from any URL you want:

String configLocation = "file:.../mySettings4j.xml";
URL url = new URL(configLocation);
DOMConfigurator.configure(url, Settings4j.getSettingsRepository());

Customization with Spring Placeholder

If you use the Spring-Placeholder for Settings4j, you must use a depends-on attribute to be sure that the initialization runs first:

  <bean class="org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jPlaceholderConfigurer" depends-on="initSettings4j"/>
  <!-- InitSettings4j.initSettings4j() will add the custom converter to the Settings4j instance. -->
  <bean id="initSettings4j" class="com.myProject.InitSettings4j" init-method="initSettings4j"/>