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With the Settings4jPlaceholderConfigurer for the Springframework you can use Settings4j to inject Values into your beans.


In the following Example the Expression "${com/mycompany/myEntry}" will be replaced by the value form Settings4j.getString("com/mycompany/myEntry").

  <!-- The PlaceholderConfigurer: -->
  <bean class="org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jPlaceholderConfigurer" />
  <!-- Example usage of Placholder-Expressions: -->
  <bean id="myDummyMap" class="java.util.HashMap">
        <entry key="MapEntry1"><value>${com/mycompany/myEntry}</value></entry>

Or inject the Value with the Spring Annotation (Spring 3.0+;

private String myEntry;

Example Prefixes

In most cases you will have the same Prefix for all Entries. So it's easier to define the Prefix in Settings4jPlaceholderConfigurer:

<bean class="org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jPlaceholderConfigurer" >
  <property name="prefix" value="com/mycompany/"/>

<bean id="myDummyMap" class="java.util.HashMap">
      <entry key="MapEntry1"><value>${myEntry1}</value></entry>
      <entry key="MapEntry2"><value>${myEntry2}</value></entry>

So the values Settings4j.getString("com/mycompany/myEntry1") and Settings4j.getString("com/mycompany/myEntry2") will be read.

Example Default Values

You can also define Default Properties if nothing is defined for some optional KEYs:

<bean class="org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jPlaceholderConfigurer" >
  <property name="prefix" value="com/mycompany/"/>
  <property name="properties">
      <!-- Default Values -->
      <prop key="myEntry2">My Default Value for Entry 2</prop>

Custom Converters

If you use the Spring-Placeholder for Settings4j, you must use a depends-on attribute to be sure that the initialization runs first:

  <bean class="org.settings4j.helper.spring.Settings4jPlaceholderConfigurer" depends-on="initSettings4j"/>
  <!-- InitSettings4j.initSettings4j() will add the custom converter to the Settings4j instance. -->
  <bean id="initSettings4j" class="com.myProject.InitSettings4j" init-method="initSettings4j"/>